Now I am off to INDY via Harrisburg, PA to Charlotte, NC to INDY. But I am still on the ground. I have been waiting for over one hour. At least now the AC is running. It was over 100 degrees here and we were on the ground with the doors closed and windows shut with no air. I am dripping wet.
Now the engine has started but we are just waiting. The captain has not said what we are waiting for. Perhaps there is a line for take off. US Air/American must not have been a good merger. I hope this flight makes it safely to IN. I am worried. In the seat a head of me is another pilot. So if he feels this is ok, I need to just hang in there.
I hope to start up tutoring in July and August. I have Dr appts to make and work to do on the house. All the things I put on hold while I was working. I am so excited about next year. I have the room to myself and a computer for each student. I can't wait to start planning. I want to make a reading center, writing center and math center.
I will start going in to work the second week of July. I will try to just work once a week. I also signed up for a 12 week get active program. So I will see how that goes. I want to change my lifestyle.
The reason I am on the way to INDY is to celebrate my Mom and Dad's 60th wedding anniversary. This is so exciting. I never thought they would actually stay married when I was growing up. I do hope to blog more next year.
I can't believe I made it a whole year. Wow. I just went to a job interview after HR called. This was the week before school starting. After a 15 min interview, he asked ok pick what school you want. I dont know all the names of all the schools or where they are located. I just picked Scripps after the HR guy says it was near La Jolla. I knew that was near our house so I picked a .6 assignment. MWF. That only lasted two months and then I was full time. It was a whirlwind but I think I made it. I am happy. I enjoy the time with the students and planning my days, curriculum and then writing IEP's.