Friday, December 14, 2018

Middle School Cont.

It appears that the special education teacher assigned to this class rarely attends as their is an aide scheduled to work it as well.  I ask students if I can help and they state, “I do not need help and you make me uncomfortable if you stand near me.”  So why am I here?

Students are working in groups on their computers.  There is light chatter going on around the room.  It is unclear the purpose of having a second teacher in the room.  The substitute aide says the same thing happens in the next period where I am supposed to support students.

I think I prefer to just test students.  Making me attend classes to support students, that they don’t even go to seems awkward.

In the next period, there was an epic fail and not one student had the google doc created from their form.  I was able to retrieve data for one student.  I was also able to show two other students how to reclaim their data from the form.  Tedious but doable.

In math class, I was able to help some students do the classwork.  Once they completed 8 out of 20 problems they stopped and just chatted.  They said they new enough to take the test.

Back in another English class, they are quite talkative.  The teacher blocked some sites using LAN School.  They is wonderful.  Students should not be able to go to sites and just play games or goof off.  I try to help students but they said they turned in their perfect paragraph and their I am poem.  I can’t see who has turned in what so I have to take them at their word.  One boy is throwing paper balls across the classroom.    IT feels like the class is out of control.  There is a sub runnning the class.  I was here last week and there was a sub as well.

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